Surrounded in rich nature, enjoy a relaxing resort getaway at Hotel & Cottage Kokoro House on Ie Island!

Our Hotel & Cottage is on Ie Island, the island you can see from Churaumi Aquarium

伊江島で民宿をお探しなら伊江島ホテル&コテージ こころハウスをお役立てください。沖縄離島観光にもおすすめでオプションも充実し、格安料金で泊まれる全室コテージタイプのホテルです。伊江島で民宿のご利用をお考えならぜひお問い合わせください。

Let’s Stay on Ie Island!


What's News

Terrace with an Ocean View

Terrace with an Ocean View

Throughout the day, the ocean view from the pleasantly breezy open terrace on our rooftop offers various expressions of beauty.

Gusuku Yama, the Symbolic Feature of Ie Island

Gusuku Yama, the Symbolic Feature of Ie Island

From Kokoro House, you can enjoy a great view of Gusuku Yama (commonly known as Tacchu), a rocky mountain that is 172 meters above sea level and a hallmark feature of Ie Island.

Amazing View from Wajii

Amazing View from Wajii

One of the most scenic points on Ie Island is Wajii, named so for the fresh water spring located at the bottom of a steep, 60-meter cliff.

Annual Iejima Lily Festival

Annual Iejima Lily Festival

The Lily Festival, held annually from late April to mid-May, is one of Ie Island’s most popular events.


All our guestrooms are cottage-type rooms,
where we hope you can feel right at home as you enjoy Ie Island.
The cost performance is excellent,
and we welcome you to unwind and relax at our facilities.


Hotel Summary

伊江島で民宿をお探しなら | 伊江島ホテル&コテージ こころハウス

Ie Island Hotel & Cottage Kokoro House

641-1 Higashiemae, Ie Village, Kunigami, Okinawa 905-0502
Facility Information
  • Guestroom Type: Cottage House (1-2 guests per room)
  • Fully equipped modular bathroom, double beds in all rooms
  • All rooms are non-smoking (Please smoke at the designated area in front of the guestrooms)

伊江島で民宿をお探しなら港近くの伊江島ホテル&コテージ こころハウスへ!

伊江島で民宿をお探しの方は、伊江島ホテル&コテージ こころハウスをご利用ください。港の近くでアクセスに便利、格安料金で泊まれる全室コテージタイプのホテルです。ユニットバス完備・全室ダブルベッドの快適な客室は、沖縄離島観光はもちろん合宿やゴルフコンペ、長期的なご利用にも最適です。カヌー体験やシュノーケリング、ファンダイブ、夜景+夜空体験などのおすすめオプションも充実しています。ご予約はお気軽にお問い合わせください。

伊江島で民宿に泊まるなら伊江島ホテル&コテージ こころハウスへ

会社名 株式会社こころハウス
住所 〒905-0502 沖縄県国頭郡伊江村字字東江前641−1
電話番号 0980-49-5005

